The Deep Tech Venture Builder

Hasten Ventures and CiC nanoGUNE, one of the top European research centres in the field of nano-sciences, have joint ventured to boost nanoINVENT, a private open innovation hub whose mission is to bridge the gap between state-of-the-art research and the industry in the fields of nanotechnology and advanced materials. This is a pan-European platform, where innovation creators and research teams join with corporations and investors worldwide to connect their new discoveries and start-ups with them.

Launched in October 2017, nanoINVENT is born with the participation of said nanoGUNE (Spain), the Centre of Hybrid Nanostructures (CHyN) of the University of Hamburg (Germany) and WARF, the TTO of the University of Madison (Wi-USA). It has also signed a collaboration agreement with the Israeli tech giant Technion. The initiative will soon incorporate other international research centres, TTO, corporations and investment firms. The goal is to combine an unprecedented pool of intellectual property, scientific and entrepreneur talent and research facilities to position nanoINVENT as the main European open innovation platform in the field of nanotechnology. This initiative will provide investors and corporations with the potential to establish strategic medium-long term links with innovative scientific and business activities.

nanoINVENT is also aiming at the creation of a capital fund, whose main focus should be to help European start-ups working in nanotech to scale up their business and to position themselves as global players in this field.

What does nanoINVENT offer to the industry?

  • Access to disruptive and innovative business ventures and scale ups working in nanotech.
  • Access to a state-of-the-art pool of knowledge and IP.
  • Access to cooperation with other companies, investors, and administrations.

What does nanoINVENT offer to investors?

  • The opportunity to participate in knowledge-based high-growth ventures from a pre-seed to a scale-up stage.
  • A platform to co-invest with other peers at a European scale.

What does nanoINVENT offer to the scientific community?

  • A hub for the sponsorship of industrial research projects and the commercialization of intellectual property.
  • Access to active networks, partners, and financial opportunities.
  • Prospects for future job opportunities.

More info at

Contact: Fernando Aguirre (